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Atlanta: Quick Stop

Atlanta, GA Atlanta, GA, United States

Just enough time to hug Daria's mom, run some errands, and grab a bite at Willy's. #familylove #iloveatlanta #travelingmacgregors #ontheroadagain #gypsylife 


Stamford Stamford, CT, United States

Our last few days in Stamford! To do: get a case of chickpea spread from Fairway (Daria is addicted!), walk around our neighborhood and say hi to all the pups, eat at T's Pizza, go visit the gigantic seagulls at the pier on Long Island Sound. Oh, and pack like crazy. #fiveboxes #zenify


Atlanta, GA Atlanta, GA, United States

Time to unload the truck! Furniture sales in CT are going well, so hopefully it will go quickly.  #fiveboxes #iloveatlanta


Atlanta, GA Atlanta, GA, United States

We're heeeeere! Let the food binge begin... O Antico, O Bone Garden, O Willy's, how we love thee! #travelingmacgregors #iloveatlanta

Stamford: Quick Stop

Stamford Stamford, CT, United States

Time to release the Subaru! And reload on chickpea spread from Fairway. #deliciousness #travelingmacgregors #ontheroadagain #gypsylife

Atlanta for Thanksgiving

One of Daria's favorite holidays, and another opportunity for boiled peanuts (vegetarian = no turkey) - are you sensing a theme here? #familylove #travelingmacgregors #iloveatlanta

Arlington, VA

Arlington, VA Arlington, VA, United States

We are so grateful to Daria's mom's cousin Mary Kate and her husband Alan for hosting us for two days, and our Subaru for the whole time we'll be in Uruguay! #familylove

Arlington, VA

Arlington, VA Arlington, VA, United States

It was so lovely to be back in Mary Kate and Alan's wonderfully comfortable home, to recover from our travels back from Uruguay! #familylove